Az utóbbi Ozora fesztiválon egy komplex program keretében azon munkálkodtunk, hogy az ott megjelenő emberek kreativitása, alkotó-energiája egy maradandó tervben manifesztálódjon. Ezt egy komposzt-workshop, egy komposzt-főzés workshop, egy maglabda készítő foglalkozás és egy “Permakultúra szerte a világban” előadás kísérte.
Hugelkultur – raised bed making – Ozora
Raised plant beds bring you a lot of advantages in gardening. We are going to make one with the Hugelkultur technique, showing the people how to utilize most of the organic waste matter that a garden produces. Simply mound whatever non-toxic biomass you have available, top with soil and plant your veggies. The advantages of […]
Thermo-compost evaluation and soil life through the microscope – Ozora
We will measure the temperature in the thermo-compost made on the first day, then turn the compost pile layer by layer to give aeration and increase decomposition. After that we are gonna have a look at the microbiology in the compost and in the soil through a microscope in the Microcosmos. Facilitators: István Márkuly (PRI: […]
Seedbomb workshop – Ozora
Seedbomb workshop with insect supporting plant seeds We will make seedbombs out of clay with seeds of insect supporting plants. We will talk about the most important beneficial insects, learn their needs and to which room they like to move into the insect hotel. Also, we are going to identify different predators and pollinators. After […]
Thermo-compost building workshop – Ozora
The thermo-compost practical workshop explains the cycle of life. Participants will understand how a healthy soil is the basis of sustainable living and will learn in practice how to build a fast working perfect compost heap. Facilitators: István Márkuly (PRI: Permaculture Resource Ireland) – Permaculture Designer and Teacher, Endre Fórika (PRI Intern) – Holistic Technologist, […]